#vendredilecture "Strange Bedfellows" de l'Américaine Ina Park.
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre
Après avoir lu ce livre, on n'a plus envie d'ingérer le moindre aliment transformé par l'industrie agro-alimentaire. Ultra-Processed People de Chris van Tulleken révèle les stratégies nocives de cette industrie pour fabriquer et écouler ces produits bourrés de sucre, de conservateurs et d'additifs qui sont dommageables pour le corps. Un ouvrage remarquablement fouillé et étayé par de nombreuses études scientifiques. L'auteur plaide d'ailleurs pour que les autorités contraignent à la transparence cette industrie puissante, dont le profit est le but, aux dépens de la santé publique #ultraprocessedpeople"Spies. The Epic Intelligence War between East and West" from Calder Walton.
Most interesting for me was the story of the "Cambridge Five", this british ring of spies based in the UK, following their belief in communism and working for the USSR. But also the evolution of technology behind spying. With Internet being monitored and cyberwar going on, the old-fashioned ways of transmitting information have maybe become more relevant
##bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #spies #coldwar #intelligence #guerrefroide #CalderWalton -
"Spies. The Epic Intelligence War between East and West" from Calder Walton.
Most interesting for me was the story of the "Cambridge Five", this british ring of spies based in the UK, following their belief in communism and working for the USSR. But also the evolution of technology behind spying. With Internet being monitored and cyberwar going on, the old-fashioned ways of transmitting information have maybe become more relevant
##bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #spies #coldwar #intelligence #guerrefroide #CalderWalton"Material World. A substantial story of our past and future" by Ed Conway.
What a good book. Sky News journalist Ed Conway writes about six materials which determine the faith of humanity: sand, salt, iron, copper, oil and lithium. Makes you marvel at human engineering and aware about our dependency on them and the environmental damage their exploiting brings to earth
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #materialworld #edconway #salt #sand #iron #copper #oil #lithium -
"Material World. A substantial story of our past and future" by Ed Conway.
What a good book. Sky News journalist Ed Conway writes about six materials which determine the faith of humanity: sand, salt, iron, copper, oil and lithium. Makes you marvel at human engineering and aware about our dependency on them and the environmental damage their exploiting brings to earth
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #materialworld #edconway #salt #sand #iron #copper #oil #lithiumWriting two posts ago about a book on Cold War, here is another one which was interesting: "Attack warning red! How Britain prepared for nuclear war" by Julie Macdowell
It's hard to imagine nowadays the level of paranoia during Cold War. The movie Oppenheimer (which I still haven't watched) might have showed to younger generations the power of destruction of any nuclear bomb. This book mentions the movie "Threads", broadcast on the BBC in 1984. It left many British kids traumatized. Have a watch
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #attackwarningred #JulieMacdowell #nuclear #nuclearwar #coldwar -
Writing two posts ago about a book on Cold War, here is another one which was interesting: "Attack warning red! How Britain prepared for nuclear war" by Julie Macdowell
It's hard to imagine nowadays the level of paranoia during Cold War. The movie Oppenheimer (which I still haven't watched) might have showed to younger generations the power of destruction of any nuclear bomb. This book mentions the movie "Threads", broadcast on the BBC in 1984. It left many British kids traumatized. Have a watch
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #attackwarningred #JulieMacdowell #nuclear #nuclearwar #coldwarAlastair Reynolds remains of my favorite science-fiction writer. "Eversion" is an easier read than every novel set in his Revelation Space series. This entertaining novel starts slow and gains more and more intensity until the end, which I found very emotional
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #sciencefiction #alastairreynolds #scifi #eversion -
Alastair Reynolds remains of my favorite science-fiction writer. "Eversion" is an easier read than every novel set in his Revelation Space series. This entertaining novel starts slow and gains more and more intensity until the end, which I found very emotional
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #sciencefiction #alastairreynolds #scifi #eversion"Small Mercies" by Dennis Lehane is a book I had to put down to taste and chew the piercing sentences. Perfect thriller for our bigot and racist times.
What brings a community together? Hate? Love? How do you share values with your children? Set in Boston, in the 70's, this gripping and heartbreaking novel deals with universal and timeless themes
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #dennislehane #smallmercies #lesilence #thriller #boston #gallmeister -
"Small Mercies" by Dennis Lehane is a book I had to put down to taste and chew the piercing sentences. Perfect thriller for our bigot and racist times.
What brings a community together? Hate? Love? How do you share values with your children? Set in Boston, in the 70's, this gripping and heartbreaking novel deals with universal and timeless themes
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #dennislehane #smallmercies #lesilence #thriller #boston #gallmeisterThe novels Dogs of War and Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky struck me deep. I haven't read any other novel from this british science-fiction writer which had the same power. I love the idea which Alien Clay is built on, but it's ruined by an average writing and an annoying narrator. The idea of symbiosis and ADN horizontal transfer has been better told than in Annihiliation from Jeff Vandermeer.
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #sciencefiction #symbiosis #AdrianTchaikovsky #AlienClay -
The novels Dogs of War and Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky struck me deep. I haven't read any other novel from this british science-fiction writer which had the same power. I love the idea which Alien Clay is built on, but it's ruined by an average writing and an annoying narrator. The idea of symbiosis and ADN horizontal transfer has been better told than in Annihiliation from Jeff Vandermeer.
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #sciencefiction #symbiosis #AdrianTchaikovsky #AlienClayThe Art Thief by Michael Finkel tells the true story of Stéphane Breitwieser, a french guy obsessed with art and who committed some incredible robberies during years. A good short piece of journalism
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #TheArtThief #StéphaneBreitwieser #MichaelFinkel -
The Art Thief by Michael Finkel tells the true story of Stéphane Breitwieser, a french guy obsessed with art and who committed some incredible robberies during years. A good short piece of journalism
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #TheArtThief #StéphaneBreitwieser #MichaelFinkelOne of the most interesting book I read this year Blue Machine by Helen Czerski @helenczerski or the ocean explained by physics. A lot of information. Entertaining and instructive. Pop science at its best #BlueMachine #HelenCzerski #popscience #bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #physics #ocean
One of the most interesting book I read this year Blue Machine by Helen Czerski @helenczerski or the ocean explained by physics. A lot of information. Entertaining and instructive. Pop science at its best #BlueMachine #HelenCzerski #popscience #bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #physics #ocean
The novel "The New Life" by Tom Crewe
A novel inspired by the lives of Havelock Ellis and John Addington Symonds, at the end of the nineteen century, in Victorian england. Two intellectual and bourgeois gay men - in the closet - are about to write "Sexual Inversion" pleading for the homosexuals right to live free.
The novel was awarded with the Orwell Prize for Political Fiction in 2023.
I thought It was rather dull, despite nice description
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #gay #lgbtq -
The novel "The New Life" by Tom Crewe
A novel inspired by the lives of Havelock Ellis and John Addington Symonds, at the end of the nineteen century, in Victorian england. Two intellectual and bourgeois gay men - in the closet - are about to write "Sexual Inversion" pleading for the homosexuals right to live free.
The novel was awarded with the Orwell Prize for Political Fiction in 2023.
I thought It was rather dull, despite nice description
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #gay #lgbtq" The Year 1000" by Valerie Hansen
An overview of the different commercial exchanges in the world around year 1000. Pretty interesting, especially the parts about the Americas and Asia, but falls a bit short.
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #gay #lgbtq #medieval #moyenage #history #histoire
" The Year 1000" by Valerie Hansen
An overview of the different commercial exchanges in the world around year 1000. Pretty interesting, especially the parts about the Americas and Asia, but falls a bit short.
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #gay #lgbtq #medieval #moyenage #history #histoire
"Your face belongs to us" by Kashmir Hill
A great report on Clearview AI, an america, company which made facial recognition so performant and accurate it's frightening. Even in a crowd, your face can be linked to your identity. In the hands of authoritarian and repressive regimes, this technology is a real threat to citizen's freedom.
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #Yourfacebelongstous #KashmirHill #IA #facialrecognition
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