@julian have you seen the hashtags that supports? Cause they support hashtags with spaces like Tumblr does
@julian they are notbthe only one
@julian honestly the whole model of hashtags is pretty broken when you try to represent it as an entity rather than as a string literal. i have this issue with both the Mention and Hashtag "types", in that they are incoherent. "do they start with a symbol or not" is undefined. "should i attempt to strip the symbol if encountered" is likewise undefined. in most cases you should be referring to actual entities (Person, Object, etc), and also you should handle microsyntax separately.
@julian so cool to see #nodebb connected to the #fediverse via #activitypub
@julian have you seen the hashtags that supports? Cause they support hashtags with spaces like Tumblr does
- stahp.
@julian offtopic: it appears edits from Hubzilla are not making it to nodebb
@julian offtopic: it appears edits from Hubzilla are not making it to nodebb does Hubzilla send anything different in its Update compared to Mastodon?
@julian i am sure we send something different compared to Mastodon. But Mastodon accepts Hubzillas Updates.
@julian i am sure we send something different compared to Mastodon. But Mastodon accepts Hubzillas Updates. of course
I think I will need to register a test account on Hubzilla and debug this.